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Fitness Monkey - The Real Solutions

I was there ... San Quentin State Prison ... serving 16 years to life in prison for the crime of murder in the second degree fitness Monkey. This is my 13 years behind bars, with a majority of the past locked inside the sunlight is not much bigger than a walk-in closet cells. It was a very difficult adjustment to a free spirit and fun guy love Southern California fitness Monkey.

Horse Rider Fitness - The Real Solutions for you :

Horse Rider Fitness

A rider is a unique athlete , not like any other athlete, riders require special physical strength and co-ordination abilities fitness horse. Riders need deep core strength, more so than other athletes, such as runners or field athletes fitness horse. Riders require greater core and back strength and flexibility fitness horse.

Temperature rech expected 35C next week -

The heat wave has caused hundreds of deaths and more than a thousand fires so far as temperatures are set to rise even higher over the weekend temperature reach.

Sun seekers enjoy the hot weather at the Serpentine Lake in London Photo: EPA

Mouse food - There is The Solutions for you :

Mouse Food Fights Cavities

Cavities are an especial concern with adolescents who health experts find are increasingly damaging their teeth and general health
with a rising thirst for sugary soft drinks.
researchers have found that not only are dairy products important for developing strong bones, but may also prevent cavities from forming in your teeth if you eat the favored food of cartoon mice—namely, cheese.

mouse food According to the May/June 2013 issue of General Dentistry,
researchers have found that not only are dairy products important for
mouse trap food developing strong bones, but may also prevent cavities from forming in your teeth if you eat the favored food of
cartoon mice—namely, cheese mouse food.

Instant And Effective Weight Management Tips

According to experts, thousands of new cases of obesity are registered every year. Lack of time and mismanaged life has led to significant growth in the number of obese people all around the world. Obesity is the mother of all chronic diseases. So if you want to have a healthy ageing, it's time you gear up your life and bring some small changes that will help you manage your weight effectively.
Here are 5 effective weight management tips that you can incorporate in your lifestyle for a healthy and fit life.
Divide Your Meals In Portions
You must have heard people saying that it is better to have small meals throughout the day, than three heavy meals. What is the logic behind this advice? Well, when you divide your meals into 5-6 small portions throughout the day, your body's nutritional needs are fulfilled as per the requirements. Having one large meal in the breakfast will surely provide you the required nutrition, but the remaining nutrition will be converted into fat. So, it is advised to have small portion of your meals in a calorie-conscious manner.
Eat Healthy, Eat Light
Adopt this mantra in your life and you'll see significant changes in your health and overall personality. You'll feel much light and active if you'll start eating only low carb low calorie foods. Try to include as much vegetables and fruits as you can in your daily diet. 
If you often feel hungry in between means, a portion of fruits or tossed vegetables should be enough to satisfy your hunger. Yes, you may consider superfoods. Search for the best superfoods and add them in your diet.
Do Not Skip Meals
Over and over it has been said, over and over it has been neglected! A lot of people still have the tendency to ski the most important meals of the day. It is essential to take 3 full course meal and 2 snacks in a day in order to maintain good weight. Moreover, if you think skipping meals will help you lose weight, then make sure next time you skip any meal you remember that skipping meal affects your metabolism rate, making you fatter.
Exercise Daily
Besides having a good meal plan and controlled appetite, it is also important to keep your body active. Physical activity has an important role to play when it comes to weight management. If you don't have time to hit the gym, then consider going for healthy morning walk with just 20 minutes of light workout. Working out in the morning will always have a great impact in your body and help you lose weight effectively and quickly.
Drink plenty of water
It is important to drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluid each day. It not just keeps you hydrated, but also ensures that all the toxic elements of your body are washed off regularly. 
Also, drinking a glass full of water 20 minutes before every meal will help you control your appetite. If you are looking forward to lose weight, then drinking a glass of water with lemon in the morning will definitely help you to shed those extra pounds from your body. Water therapy is considered to be the most effective way to lose weight.
Make these weight management tips an integral part of your lifestyle and soon you'll be able to see some significant changes in your overall personality. However, make sure you follow these tips religiously if you really want to have a healthy and fit life forever.

A Quick Way to Boost Metabolism Using Mango Extract

Many cases of trying to lose weight are being aired. This is the case despite many observing healthy eating and regular exercise. This has resulted to various researches being carried out to help face this "ghost" that is becoming a recurrent nightmare. From these researches mango fruit extracts has emerged being among the solutions when used as a supplement during weight loss.
The extracts are specifically gotten from the African mango referred to as Irvingia Gabonesis; scientifically. It is a fruit that is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is grown in the country Cameroon.
 The locals have been using it to lose excess weight and this has now been scientifically proven to be true. The African mango works by curbing one's appetite naturally thus reducing the amount of calories consumed during the day, hence helping in reducing weight.
Besides reducing one's appetite it also helps in boosting metabolism. There are other supplements which cause this effect. However; the difference with the supplement got from the African mango extract is that it does not cause harmful effects of caffeine. The little caffeine it contains helps in burning fat and giving energy to the body. It is also proven to be safe for human consumption besides having additional advantages.
The seed of the African mango is rich in fat, fiber and proteins which is a healthy factor. The effect is gotten from the seed extract. This is so since; healthy fat helps in keeping the heart safe and healthy as there is no accumulation of fat around it. It also helps in reducing the thickness of the waist. Fiber helps in controlling blood sugar level and reducing cholesterol. It also adds bulk to food;
 this is effective as it reduces constipation. In addition, the fiber helps to prevent your body from absorbing all the cholesterol and fat from the food you consume. Last but not least, proteins, help in growth of the body and producing energy used for the normal functioning of the body. Additionally, there is presence of Lepitin (a hormonal substance) which plays a role in controlling appetite. It send signals to the brain and tricks it into thinking that one is full and still fights fatigue. 
Lepitin also helps people struggling with central or in other words abdominal obesity. It helps in controlling fat that accumulates in the stomach area. The body may become resistant to losing weight in the abdominal area and hence making it almost impossible to eradicate the fat that is in this area. Ingestion of the African mango pill helps in reducing the resistance of the body to lepitin hence loss of fat from the tummy.
The fruit has vitamin B which helps in increasing metabolism for fat, carbohydrates and proteins. It also has other advantageous nutrients to the body. This supplement boosts metabolism since it is only increased metabolism that helps to burn fat. It contains ingredients that target slow metabolism by increasing the heat. This fat is normally as a result of nutrient blocking toxins.
 These toxins obstruct the body from receiving important nutrients and getting the energy required to burn this fat and to boost metabolism. Hence, the fat accumulates leading to weight gain. This is where the African mango supplement comes in handy.
The pill also contains green tea extract which has the purpose of being an antioxidant.

Lose Weight Bicycling

We have all seen exercise and weight-loss fads come and go. While some of them were very useful, others were downright ridiculous in their claims. Sit and lose weight? Think yourself thin? We have heard them all. Still, there is one form of exercise that is a really good way to burn calories and has stood the test of time. In fact, it has been around for almost two hundred years and is still going strong. I am talking about bicycling, one of the best and easiest ways to get out and get some exercise.
Bicycling burns many more calories than just running alone and it much gentler on your joints making it a good low impact cardio workout that can be done almost anywhere. We've put together a few tips to get you cycling and on the path to weight loss.
First, you need to decide where you want to ride and I don't mean just what path to ride down or park to ride through. I am talking about whether or not you want to ride inside or outside. The good thing about bicycling is that you can do both. 
If it is cold and snowy outside you can still get you ride in by using either a stationary bike or a set of rollers for your street bike. These allow you to set up your own bicycle on them and pedal away in the comfort of your own home maybe even while watching some television.
Next, you need to set up a good riding plan especially if you will be riding outside. You will want to map out a route that isn't going to be too difficult when you are starting out and one that follows a safe route away from heavily congested traffic areas. 
You want your ride to be enjoyable so you will do it often. Choose a route that has a couple of different difficulty levels. You have to be able to challenge yourself and a smooth, flat route won't do that. 
You ride should take around an hour to get the best results. This type of training can be hard on your body so make sure you get plenty of rest and don't overdo it. Two or three days every week should be enough to start a good exercise and weight loss routine.
When you start to see some results, push yourself a little farther. After a while the results will start to taper off and you will have to drastically change your route and the intensity of your workout. With the proper equipment and the right amount of effort, you will shed pounds faster than you ever thought you could and have fun doing it.

How To Prepare Chicken For Weight Loss

Below are several tips to explain you how to prepare chicken for weight loss without losing the taste and texture of the meat. Chicken is full of protein and low in fat, which makes it the most effective choices for eating healthy and building lean muscle.
1) Remove the skin
Chicken skin is normally used in fatty dishes to improve the taste and texture. Many chefs around the world use the chicken skin in dishes to bring out the taste of their sauces and creams. In case you are trying to lose weight, now is not the time to leave the skin on the chicken. 
If you are cooking a complete chicken, make sure you have remove the skin. In doing so, you will save yourself from extra calories and lots of fat.
2) Remove the fat
Usually lean chicken breasts can contain fat along the sides. It is best to clean the fat by cutting it off and getting rid of it, especially if you are attempting to lose weight. 
You will not lose the taste of the meat, but will lose more calories that may convert to pounds if you decide to leave the fat on. The fat is easy to remove when the chicken is thaw. It could be placed flat on a cutting board and trimmed off very easily with a sharp knife.
3) Grill the meat
Whenever you prepare chicken, or any meat, on the grill, excessive fat actually drips off. Any fat that missed during the cutting and preparing process gets removed while the meat grills. 
Grilling is the perfect method to cook chicken because of the health aspect. A small fist-sized part of chicken breast is filling and full of protein, which makes it the perfect dish for losing weight. Grilled chicken could be sliced into pieces and added on salads or combined with black beans for a Mexican medley. Grilled chicken is extremely versatile and could be used in many dishes to help you lose weight.
4) Prepare in the oven
one of the most popular methods to prepare chicken for weight loss is to cook it in the oven. Chicken could be seasons with onion and garlic powders, dill or mustard and cooked in the oven for just 20 minutes. Baking chicken eliminates the extra fat that missed during the preparation time. The chicken breast or legs could be cooked with various vegetables, such as asparagus or broccoli, to make a complete meal. Include a piece of whole grain bread or a small part of steamed brown rice and you have yourself a proper and healthy meal suit for a weight loss king.
5) Prepare chicken with olive oil
if you want your chicken fried, but planning to lose weight in this process, it is best to use a little olive oil in the pan and avoid the Fry Daddy. 
Chicken pieces could be made very easily and healthily by cutting a chicken breast into small strips and placing them to a pan that has garlic, fresh onion and a tablespoon of extra pure olive oil. The chicken could be fried until crispy or left moist and flavorful. The chicken will soak up some of the oil so even if cooked to a crisper texture, it will stay moist and tasty.
The extra fat will cook away, leaving a healthy meal for weight loss.

Dissecting Weight Loss Myths

One of the quickest ways to become discouraged when you are trying to lose weight is falling victim to many of the myths that are out there regarding diets and weight loss. All too often, people will talk themselves into believing a lot of the myths simply because they have heard them time and time again. 
Knowing the difference between a fact and a myth when you are trying to lose weight a live a healthier life will allow you to focus on your body and your overall health.
There are quite a few people out there who want to achieve weight loss who think that they need to work harder if they have more weight that they want to lose.
 While it is important to work hard at your weight loss goals, needing to shed a high number of pounds never means that you have to embark on a super intense workout plan. Implementing a well balanced diet along with a fitness routine that you can handle will help you to achieve the best possible results. 
This is why people who have quite a bit of weight to lose will often work with a personal trainer to help them put together a comprehensive weight loss and exercise plan.
There are people out there that try many diets that tell them that they can eat whatever they want. In reality, this couldn't be further from the truth. There is an old saying that you are what you eat. Remember this phrase and live by it as you are trying to achieve your desired weight loss.
 While it is a wonderful thought that you can eat whatever you want and trick your body into shedding pounds, this is a very rare occurrence. In order to maintain optimal fitness and lose the weight that you are fighting with, it is important that you practice portion control along with a well balanced diet filled with good, fresh foods.
Another common myth that people will fall victim to when they are on a weight loss journey is that they can starve themselves and lose weight. It is important to remember that this is never the case.
 Leaving yourself without healthy calories and going hungry is only going to make you feel unhealthy and out of energy. Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day in order to function properly. Instead of trying to cut out foods altogether, it is important that you simply take notice of the types of foods that you are eating. Instead of reaching for a muffin in the morning, grab a piece of fresh fruit and so on.
No matter what your plans are for weight loss, you can have the success that you deserve as long as you do not fall victim to the many myths that are out there about losing weight. Get onto a plan that works for you, even if you start by taking baby steps. Your ultimate goal is your own health and your weight loss journey is your own personal path.

Some Simple And Best Effective Weight Loss Methods To Help You Meet Your Goal

Excessive weight is one of the major health challenges among many people in our society. This is caused by improper diet and lack of bodily exercise. Many people who have excess weight usually develop health problems, which interfere with their daily lives and reduce their output.
 Unfortunately, many of these individuals are ignorant on how to burn off this excessive fat in their bodies. However, weight loss is all about little sacrifices in conjunction with specific techniques. It is possible to burn excess fats without starvation or taking bizarre supplements. Here are the best effective weight loss methods you may want to consider.
Do Cardio workouts
To achieve the desired weight loss, you should do Cardio workout for at least 30 minutes daily. Cardio workouts increase the heart rate, which results in burning of calories. 
Engaging in Cardio routine will increase the intake of calories, which increases the activity of your muscles. The overall effect of this is a significant amount of weight loss in your body. If own a mobile gadget, you can use it to utilize the top workout apps in the marketplace, where there are plenty of workouts to choose from.
Drink a lot of water
Fruit smoothie, light beer, or energy drinks contain up to 100 calories. However, these beverages cannot give you the same satisfaction as that of 100 calories of food.
 In addition, some of these liquids contain high concentration of sodium and carbohydrates, which retain an undesirable amount of water.
On the other hand, water has no calories as well as carbohydrates and sodium. This makes it perfect weight loss drink. Moreover, it helps eliminate excess water as well as increasing your body metabolism. You may add mint leaves or lemon wedges if you find it boring to take pure water.
Avoid Pasta and White Bread
In order to lose excess weight in your body, you should cut the consumption of white grain products such as spaghetti, white rice and sandwich rolls. 
Such foods are rich in carbohydrates, which causes bloating around your belly. Simple carbohydrates cause disaster because they are digested quickly and leave you hungry few hours after eating. This increases chances of overeating hence more weight gain.
To overcome this problem, substitute white grain products with complex carbohydrates from vegetables, which are digested more slowly. In addition, vegetables contain water, which helps to remove excess water weight.
Drink coffee an hour before workout
This is an alternative to drinking water exclusively. A cup of coffee makes your morning more productive. A pre-exercise cup of coffee with a splash of skim milk will energize your workout. Using this method will make you burn more calories hence more weight loss.
Get enough sleep
Sleeping an extra hour more than your normal sleep time will significantly help you to cut off excess weight. This will boost body metabolism, which is vital for weight loss. In addition, the building of the body muscles is accelerated during sleep.
For more of the Best Effective Weight Loss Methods available to you, pay a visit to

The Total Body Fat Melting Secret No One Talks About

When it comes to melting away your fat, you will run into a lot of different opinions on the matter. Simply search the online world and you will get hit with so many ideas that you may not know what to do in order to really get the results you want. The truth of the matter is that most people are only talking about doing one thing over the other to sell books, magazines, and videos.
The secret that no one talks about is that you can easily sculpt your body, especially your abdominal area and burn pure fat cells by looking into a few lifestyle changes. If you can change the way you view your life, you can not only get a rock hard abdominal area, but you can easily look your best and gain more confidence while you're at it.
The starting line when dealing with getting fit is that of lifestyle change. You can't do the same things that you're doing right now and hope that you magically change your body shape and style. You have to put some work in, and if you simply look into this, you will gain serious definition. 
The work that you have to do should not scare you, as it is not a complicated matter, it's actually quite simple.
 It starts with looking into how you eat. Changing the way you eat is the first major thing that you have to do, or else you will not reap the rewards of working out. Adding a multivitamin as well as protein supplement can be helpful as well, but it's not necessary at first.
Once you start to look into lifestyle change and you stop eating terribly, you will want to work out with alternating days of focus. Start with cardiovascular exercise, 
running, jogging, and doing things that will get your heart racing. Do that on day one, and then switch to weight lifting on day two and so on. Remember, you are not a professional athlete, and if you aspire to be one, you will need to put in a lot of work to get there if you're not there already. To get rid of belly fat the right way, this has to be paramount, so don't skip out on this.
Once you start a good routine, you will want to look into options that will help you move forward with losing pure belly fat and getting six pack abs. This is done by focusing on training the abdominal area through crunches, sit ups, and abdominal focused training sessions. 
To ensure that this is going well, you will also need to add this to your daily routines, but not while you're at the gym or working out in general. Take time from your leisure, at home to do crunches, especially if you find yourself bored or with some down time. Take 10 to 15 minutes to do several sets, and do them day and night. The more time you put in, the better the results. The above add up quickly, so don't neglect to invest some time into managing the goal.
Are you looking for more information regarding Total Body Fat Melting? Visit today!

Dissecting Weight Loss Myths

One of the quickest ways to become discouraged when you are trying to lose weight is falling victim to many of the myths that are out there regarding diets and weight loss. All too often, people will talk themselves into believing a lot of the myths simply because they have heard them time and time again. 
Knowing the difference between a fact and a myth when you are trying to lose weight a live a healthier life will allow you to focus on your body and your overall health.
There are quite a few people out there who want to achieve weight loss who think that they need to work harder if they have more weight that they want to lose.
 While it is important to work hard at your weight loss goals, needing to shed a high number of pounds never means that you have to embark on a super intense workout plan. Implementing a well balanced diet along with a fitness routine that you can handle will help you to achieve the best possible results. 
This is why people who have quite a bit of weight to lose will often work with a personal trainer to help them put together a comprehensive weight loss and exercise plan.
There are people out there that try many diets that tell them that they can eat whatever they want. In reality, this couldn't be further from the truth. There is an old saying that you are what you eat. Remember this phrase and live by it as you are trying to achieve your desired weight loss.
 While it is a wonderful thought that you can eat whatever you want and trick your body into shedding pounds, this is a very rare occurrence. In order to maintain optimal fitness and lose the weight that you are fighting with, it is important that you practice portion control along with a well balanced diet filled with good, fresh foods.
Another common myth that people will fall victim to when they are on a weight loss journey is that they can starve themselves and lose weight. It is important to remember that this is never the case.
 Leaving yourself without healthy calories and going hungry is only going to make you feel unhealthy and out of energy. Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day in order to function properly. Instead of trying to cut out foods altogether, it is important that you simply take notice of the types of foods that you are eating. Instead of reaching for a muffin in the morning, grab a piece of fresh fruit and so on.
No matter what your plans are for weight loss, you can have the success that you deserve as long as you do not fall victim to the many myths that are out there about losing weight. Get onto a plan that works for you, even if you start by taking baby steps. Your ultimate goal is your own health and your weight loss journey is your own personal path.

Dissecting Weight Loss Myths

One of the quickest ways to become discouraged when you are trying to lose weight is falling victim to many of the myths that are out there regarding diets and weight loss. All too often, people will talk themselves into believing a lot of the myths simply because they have heard them time and time again. 
Knowing the difference between a fact and a myth when you are trying to lose weight a live a healthier life will allow you to focus on your body and your overall health.
There are quite a few people out there who want to achieve weight loss who think that they need to work harder if they have more weight that they want to lose.
 While it is important to work hard at your weight loss goals, needing to shed a high number of pounds never means that you have to embark on a super intense workout plan. Implementing a well balanced diet along with a fitness routine that you can handle will help you to achieve the best possible results. 
This is why people who have quite a bit of weight to lose will often work with a personal trainer to help them put together a comprehensive weight loss and exercise plan.
There are people out there that try many diets that tell them that they can eat whatever they want. In reality, this couldn't be further from the truth. There is an old saying that you are what you eat. Remember this phrase and live by it as you are trying to achieve your desired weight loss.
 While it is a wonderful thought that you can eat whatever you want and trick your body into shedding pounds, this is a very rare occurrence. In order to maintain optimal fitness and lose the weight that you are fighting with, it is important that you practice portion control along with a well balanced diet filled with good, fresh foods.
Another common myth that people will fall victim to when they are on a weight loss journey is that they can starve themselves and lose weight. It is important to remember that this is never the case.
 Leaving yourself without healthy calories and going hungry is only going to make you feel unhealthy and out of energy. Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day in order to function properly. Instead of trying to cut out foods altogether, it is important that you simply take notice of the types of foods that you are eating. Instead of reaching for a muffin in the morning, grab a piece of fresh fruit and so on.
No matter what your plans are for weight loss, you can have the success that you deserve as long as you do not fall victim to the many myths that are out there about losing weight. Get onto a plan that works for you, even if you start by taking baby steps. Your ultimate goal is your own health and your weight loss journey is your own personal path.

Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss

Losing weight is hard, and not seeing results is just frustrating. You may be one of those who have bought fitness books or downloaded fitness plans on your latest gadgets, but still, nothing worked out; the extra pounds you've been wanting to shed off are still there in your body. You're definitely sure that you followed everything, every detail and instruction of the fitness plan, and yet your figure is still the same. Maybe, just maybe, it's not that your fitness plan is ineffective; you might be doing something that defeats the purpose and sabotages the results. Below is a list of things most people do that serves as obstacles in their weight loss programs. Read it to find out what those things are.
1. Your water intake is less than recommended. Water is a good appetite suppressant that when taken before meals, fills your stomach that causes you to eat less. Water too, is an adjunct to an increased fiber intake. Having a diet of fiber-rich foods without drinking enough water can only result to constipation. According to Pamela Wartian Smith, MD, author of "Why You Can't Lose Weight", "If you consume an aggressive amount of fiber, another 8 to 16 ounces a day is a good idea." Therefore, drinking 8 glasses of water isn't enough with that kind of diet; the recommended amount of water will be approximately 12 glasses daily if your diet includes rich sources of fiber.
2. You take in less protein. Studies show that high protein diets are great for weight-losing, body-building fitness plans. Proteins have a property that enhances the feeling of satiety that prevents us to overeat. Additionally, protein takes more energy to be metabolized by the body than carbohydrates and fat, according to Cari Coulter, RD, program director for Wellspring Weight Loss Camp in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In that sense, higher protein diets make the body burn slightly more calories in the process of digestion.
3. You sit all day. Office works can pose a number of health hazards. They seem easy because all you have to do is sit all day in front of your computer; the last thing you can experience is being physically exhausted, but this sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of obesity. One study from the University of Missouri-Columbia shows that sitting for a few hours causes your body to stop producing a fat-inhibiting enzyme known as lipase. It will be helpful if you get up and walk for about 2 minutes every 2 hours to burn an additional 59 calories per day. Use your smartphone as a timer to remind you every 2 hours about your 2-minute walk away from your desk.
4. Your computation is inaccurate. Counting calories is the best way to track if you're losing weight or not. Burning more calories than what you take in is a good thing, for you're on track to losing weight, and that's for sure. However, counting calories is not a simple task. More often than not, they are just but approximations. It's really hard to determine calorie intake accurately. Always leave room for margin of error for about at most 200 calories. A huge discrepancy from your calories burned and calories taken in can lead to fluctuations in your weight.
5. You work out regularly. Working out causes your appetite to increase more than usual. People tend to eat more when they work out, maybe because they feel that they have earned it or simply because they have overestimated how much they have burned. The most surprising thing about exercise is that it causes your body to store an extra two to four pounds of water to prevent dehydration. According to Michele S. Olson, PhD, Fitness advisory board member and professor or exercise science at Auburn University in Alabama, "You'll always carry that extra water unless you became inactive; it's not fat or muscle, but simply super hydration."
6. You're always stressed. Whenever you are stressed, cortisol, a stress hormone, is being produced by the body in excessive amounts, which is an appetite stimulant. Cortisol is also a trigger for the production of a brain chemical, neuropeptide Y, which increases cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Even if you have mastered the art of depriving yourself from cravings, cortisol still can slow down metabolism. Additionally, being stressed increases fat storage in the abdominal area, where weight is harder to lose.
Even the simplest, inconceivable things we do can lead to killing our dreams and aspirations. As soon as possible, try to change the habits that keep you from losing weight and getting in great shape. All it takes is not doing the things that interfere with your fitness plan repeatedly to form a weight loss habit.


Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss

Losing weight is hard, and not seeing results is just frustrating. You may be one of those who have bought fitness books or downloaded fitness plans on your latest gadgets, but still, nothing worked out; the extra pounds you've been wanting to shed off are still there in your body. You're definitely sure that you followed everything, every detail and instruction of the fitness plan, and yet your figure is still the same. Maybe, just maybe, it's not that your fitness plan is ineffective; you might be doing something that defeats the purpose and sabotages the results. Below is a list of things most people do that serves as obstacles in their weight loss programs. Read it to find out what those things are.
1. Your water intake is less than recommended. Water is a good appetite suppressant that when taken before meals, fills your stomach that causes you to eat less. Water too, is an adjunct to an increased fiber intake. Having a diet of fiber-rich foods without drinking enough water can only result to constipation. According to Pamela Wartian Smith, MD, author of "Why You Can't Lose Weight", "If you consume an aggressive amount of fiber, another 8 to 16 ounces a day is a good idea." Therefore, drinking 8 glasses of water isn't enough with that kind of diet; the recommended amount of water will be approximately 12 glasses daily if your diet includes rich sources of fiber.
2. You take in less protein. Studies show that high protein diets are great for weight-losing, body-building fitness plans. Proteins have a property that enhances the feeling of satiety that prevents us to overeat. Additionally, protein takes more energy to be metabolized by the body than carbohydrates and fat, according to Cari Coulter, RD, program director for Wellspring Weight Loss Camp in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In that sense, higher protein diets make the body burn slightly more calories in the process of digestion.
3. You sit all day. Office works can pose a number of health hazards. They seem easy because all you have to do is sit all day in front of your computer; the last thing you can experience is being physically exhausted, but this sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of obesity. One study from the University of Missouri-Columbia shows that sitting for a few hours causes your body to stop producing a fat-inhibiting enzyme known as lipase. It will be helpful if you get up and walk for about 2 minutes every 2 hours to burn an additional 59 calories per day. Use your smartphone as a timer to remind you every 2 hours about your 2-minute walk away from your desk.
4. Your computation is inaccurate. Counting calories is the best way to track if you're losing weight or not. Burning more calories than what you take in is a good thing, for you're on track to losing weight, and that's for sure. However, counting calories is not a simple task. More often than not, they are just but approximations. It's really hard to determine calorie intake accurately. Always leave room for margin of error for about at most 200 calories. A huge discrepancy from your calories burned and calories taken in can lead to fluctuations in your weight.
5. You work out regularly. Working out causes your appetite to increase more than usual. People tend to eat more when they work out, maybe because they feel that they have earned it or simply because they have overestimated how much they have burned. The most surprising thing about exercise is that it causes your body to store an extra two to four pounds of water to prevent dehydration. According to Michele S. Olson, PhD, Fitness advisory board member and professor or exercise science at Auburn University in Alabama, "You'll always carry that extra water unless you became inactive; it's not fat or muscle, but simply super hydration."
6. You're always stressed. Whenever you are stressed, cortisol, a stress hormone, is being produced by the body in excessive amounts, which is an appetite stimulant. Cortisol is also a trigger for the production of a brain chemical, neuropeptide Y, which increases cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Even if you have mastered the art of depriving yourself from cravings, cortisol still can slow down metabolism. Additionally, being stressed increases fat storage in the abdominal area, where weight is harder to lose.
Even the simplest, inconceivable things we do can lead to killing our dreams and aspirations. As soon as possible, try to change the habits that keep you from losing weight and getting in great shape. All it takes is not doing the things that interfere with your fitness plan repeatedly to form a weight loss habit.


How to Deal With "I'm Bored - Let's Eat!"

How to deal with "I'm bored-let's eat!" feelings
During the summer some things seem to slow down in life and people find themselves with more leisure time on their hands. With extra unstructured time comes my very favorite diet killer..boredom eating or as one of my clients called it "foraging".
For most people the behavior looks something like this: You find yourself with nothing to do, just sitting around suddenly for no particular reason (its not lunch time) you find yourself hungry so you head over to the cupboard or fridge or the employee break room.
I have learned over the years that it is sickeningly easy to quickly consume an unholy amount of calories that way and guess what? In the end you are still bored though now you are also "stuffed" and maybe even sick. Afterward you feel very angry and upset at yourself which often leads to more eating a short time later. Its an ugly cycle which never really ends.
The key to ending this behavior is to first catch yourself doing it which does take some practice. Next time you start heading toward the kitchen take a moment and ask yourself "am I really hungry or am I just bored?" If you are bored food won't fix it for more than a few minutes so just back away from the fridge. If you are really hungry eat a little something then go do something else.
Then next thing you need to do is have a plan in place. Come up with at least 5 things you can do when you are bored that don't involve eating. Yours might look something like this.
1) Kindly direct self away from the kitchen.
2) Go for a walk or the gym
3) Grab a good book or even better start writing one
4) Start work on that project(s) I've been putting off
5) Go over budget numbers to find a way to save for Hawaii Vacation
6) Spend a few moments with that feeling and allow yourself to move past it.
Ideally your list should include things you like doing so maybe leave off going over the budget. Remember the key is to catch yourself in the act then redirect. With practice eventually you will develop the habit of going to one of those other things rather than food when you start to get bored.
A wise woman once told me "all cravings are satisfied, either with the substance or with time" love yourself enough to take the time to feed your real hunger. You are so very worth it.
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How To Trigger The After Burn Effect

When it comes to losing weight, the majority of people believe that the best way is to combine a healthy diet with lots and lots of cardio exercise. Eating healthy is certainly vital for weight loss, but the problem often lies in the type of exercise done. All too often I have spoken to people who believe lots of low intensity cardio (such as jogging) to be the only way, but that simply isn't true.
Those of us that are aware of the after burn effect know that high intensity interval training is the key to quicker weight loss. We also know that this training method takes up far less time than regular exercise does, and also gives faster results. For those that don't know about the after burn effect, it is essentially a state of increased metabolism (calorie burning) from performing high intensity exercise. It is possible for this increase in metabolism to last up to a day or two if done correctly.
Benefiting From an 'Oxygen Debt'
An after burn can occur from most physical exertion, whether this be from light jogging or all-out sprinting. However, lower intensity exercise will only create an after burn for a few seconds/minutes. Therefore the most effective way of getting a long-lasting after burn is to do high intensity training (HIIT).
HIIT is a type of workout that consists of rapid intervals of high intensity exercise and brief rest periods. One quick example of a HIIT could be:
  • 20 seconds of burpees
  • 10 seconds rest
  • Repeated for desired amount of reps
Burpees are just one example of a high intensity exercise, but you can choose any you like. The general rule though is that the exercise must be very intense and be anaerobic. You will know if the exercise is truly anaerobic if you struggle to speak in full sentences whilst performing the exercise.
The reason why performing anaerobic exercise is a must is due to the effect it creates. An anaerobic workout will dramatically reduce the amount of oxygen you take in during the workouts, and therefore causes your body to make up for that deficit afterwards by taking in excess amounts of air. This effect is called an oxygen debt.
The purpose of the oxygen debt is to normalize hormone levels, regain lost energy, and to oxidize lactic acid which is created in your blood. Basically your oxygen intake and need is substantially increased. It is during this period where the after burn effect takes place, which means the rate at which you burn off fat is increased. (Remember this can last up to 48 hours).
There are two popular ways of creating this effect. Both ways require you to follow specific rules in order to create an effective after burn.
The most common method is to perform very intense cardio exercise in intervals. This type of workout is great because it doesn't have to last hours like traditional cardio does. One example of this is a tabata workout, which consists of 8 sets of 20 second long cardio, separated by 10 second rest intervals, and only takes 4 minutes!
Another great way to build up an after burn is to do weight lifting, particularly compound lifts. A compound lift is any weighted/resistance exercise that works more than one muscle group. For this method to work effectively, the weights should be heavy enough so that you hit muscle failure at somewhere between 6 - 12 reps. You can increase the effective further by performing supersets, which involves doing different lifts in a row without rest. (For example, 10 bench presses followed by 10 tricep extensions).
A Word of Warning!
All of the workout methods suggested above are intentionally and incredibly intense, so you should take great care not to overdo it, especially if you are a beginner. If you are new to these methods, work yourself slowly up to them until you are comfortable doing them without injuring yourself. Only you know what your body can handle, so take care!
If you would like to discover more about the after burn effect, please check out Afterburn Effect Training at

How To Trigger The After Burn Effect

When it comes to losing weight, the majority of people believe that the best way is to combine a healthy diet with lots and lots of cardio exercise. Eating healthy is certainly vital for weight loss, but the problem often lies in the type of exercise done. All too often I have spoken to people who believe lots of low intensity cardio (such as jogging) to be the only way, but that simply isn't true.
Those of us that are aware of the after burn effect know that high intensity interval training is the key to quicker weight loss. We also know that this training method takes up far less time than regular exercise does, and also gives faster results. For those that don't know about the after burn effect, it is essentially a state of increased metabolism (calorie burning) from performing high intensity exercise. It is possible for this increase in metabolism to last up to a day or two if done correctly.
Benefiting From an 'Oxygen Debt'
An after burn can occur from most physical exertion, whether this be from light jogging or all-out sprinting. However, lower intensity exercise will only create an after burn for a few seconds/minutes. Therefore the most effective way of getting a long-lasting after burn is to do high intensity training (HIIT).
HIIT is a type of workout that consists of rapid intervals of high intensity exercise and brief rest periods. One quick example of a HIIT could be:
  • 20 seconds of burpees
  • 10 seconds rest
  • Repeated for desired amount of reps
Burpees are just one example of a high intensity exercise, but you can choose any you like. The general rule though is that the exercise must be very intense and be anaerobic. You will know if the exercise is truly anaerobic if you struggle to speak in full sentences whilst performing the exercise.
The reason why performing anaerobic exercise is a must is due to the effect it creates. An anaerobic workout will dramatically reduce the amount of oxygen you take in during the workouts, and therefore causes your body to make up for that deficit afterwards by taking in excess amounts of air. This effect is called an oxygen debt.
The purpose of the oxygen debt is to normalize hormone levels, regain lost energy, and to oxidize lactic acid which is created in your blood. Basically your oxygen intake and need is substantially increased. It is during this period where the after burn effect takes place, which means the rate at which you burn off fat is increased. (Remember this can last up to 48 hours).
There are two popular ways of creating this effect. Both ways require you to follow specific rules in order to create an effective after burn.
The most common method is to perform very intense cardio exercise in intervals. This type of workout is great because it doesn't have to last hours like traditional cardio does. One example of this is a tabata workout, which consists of 8 sets of 20 second long cardio, separated by 10 second rest intervals, and only takes 4 minutes!
Another great way to build up an after burn is to do weight lifting, particularly compound lifts. A compound lift is any weighted/resistance exercise that works more than one muscle group. For this method to work effectively, the weights should be heavy enough so that you hit muscle failure at somewhere between 6 - 12 reps. You can increase the effective further by performing supersets, which involves doing different lifts in a row without rest. (For example, 10 bench presses followed by 10 tricep extensions).
A Word of Warning!
All of the workout methods suggested above are intentionally and incredibly intense, so you should take great care not to overdo it, especially if you are a beginner. If you are new to these methods, work yourself slowly up to them until you are comfortable doing them without injuring yourself. Only you know what your body can handle, so take care!
If you would like to discover more about the after burn effect, please check out Afterburn Effect Training at

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How To Keep Weight Off After Losing It

How to keep the weight off after losing it is a big problem for a lot of people.
This is most probably because they went on a quick weight loss diet. The problem is that it is not possible to keep a diet like this. Chances are they just found a diet that promised that you could lose weight quickly.
 These easy way to lose weight diets do not tell you that you will most probably put the weight back on just a quickly. The key to losing weight is to do it slowly.
The first thing you need to do is to eat breakfast every morning.
What is the healthiest breakfast?
It should consist of something like oat meal and fruit to give you the energy to start your day and keep you feeling full. Remember you are eating for your health. Make sure that the foods are low in sugar and fat. Eating breakfast to lose weight is one of the essential things for weight loss.
Next is your lunch time meal.
You should always be thinking about what you should eat to lose weight. Think of these before you decide what to eat for lunch to lose weight. Your lunch time meal should contain protein and carbohydrates. Good ideas for a lunch time meals are things like cottage cheese on whole meal bread with some sort of salad or fruit. When it comes to drinks think about green tea or if it is hot then go for something like fruit cordial.
 Under no circumstances have fruit juice or a carbonated drink. These contain large amounts of sugar that will cause you to put ON weight.
Next is your evening meal.
This should be something like chicken with vegetables. Make sure though that you do not add any sauces. These tend to be very high in calories but have no nutritional benefit. It is the sauces that tend to make people put on weight. Try and avoid having a desert unless it is a piece of fruit. Deserts also tend to be high in calories.
It is all these extra calories from foods that have no nutritional benefit that makes you slowly put on weight over a period of time.
Get into the healthy lifestyle and cut out any foods that are not beneficial to your health and you will learn how to keep the weight off after losing it.
Read Stories About Women Successfully Losing Weight. Do Not Forget To Click The Index To Other Pages Near The Top Of The Webpage.

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Is Your Salad Really Healthy?

We have equated salads with healthy eating and weight loss. Because salads mostly contain vegetables and are easy to prepare, it's a fixture on most weight loss plans. However, there are some cases wherein going for the salad is not the healthier choice.
How can you go wrong with a bowl of vegetables, you ask? You can; apparently, with what you add to these vegetables are the ones sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Even at small amounts, the dressing, croutons, bacon bits and cheese count against the calories you give up in order to lose weight.
The fact that most of the salad dressings we tend to favour use mayonnaise should have us re-evaluate the steps we take towards a healthier lifestyle. While these salad dressings are indeed full of flavour, these dressings are also loaded on calories that put a dent on our calorie limit. Moreover, the preservatives in these dressings are can also have an effect on your health.
Apart from the dressing, the toppings we put on our salad can also make a difference. Sure, the greens are good for you, but if you keep on adding chicken crisps, croutons, cheese and the like, that just defeats the whole purpose of eating healthy. You may as well forget the salad and snack on chocolate bars instead. These toppings are high in calories and just off-set the multiple health benefits of the vegetables.
Basically, the fixings and the dressings are the key to keeping your salad healthy. Try out these tips on how you can make your salad really work for you and your weight loss goals:
1. Watch your portions. It's better if you make your own salads at home because you're in control of how much you eat. But if you're eating out, eat half an order.
2. Avoid calorie-rich creamy dressings. If you can, opt for dressings with olive oil or balsamic vinegar which are healthier but just as flavourful. When eating out, ask the staff to serve dressing on the side so you're in control of how much dressing goes in your salad. One trick you can try is dipping your fork into the dressing, then onto the salad with each bite. This way, your salad isn't swimming in high-calorie dressing.
3. Go for dark leafy greens like spinach and fresh herbs, which have more nutritional value.
4. Pick healthier proteins. Opt for grilled chicken, shrimp, tofu or a hard-boiled egg instead of meat and fried toppings.
5. Swap out croutons for more vegetables. If you're looking for more texture in your salad, toss in cherry tomatoes, olives, peanuts, carrots, corn, peppers, onions or cucumber.
6. Pick healthier cheese. For a big serving of salad, 1/4 cup of feta, blue, mozzarella, cheddar or goat cheese would suffice.
7. Add fruits. Why stop with vegetables when you can enjoy the health benefits of fruits in your salad to? Try orange slices, strawberries or cranberries to add a fruity twist to your dish.
The great thing about salads is that you can get creative with them. Just keep these tips in mind so you can make the most of your green, leafy meal.
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Looking to Slim Down? This One Trick Will Make a World of Difference

Are you struggling to slim down and shed those unwanted pounds? You can drop a dress size with this one little trick I want to share with you. It is something that a lot of people are addicted to, and you are most likely popping way too much of it in some form or another. So what is this mysterious ingredient that has seeped its way into our food and making you fat? Sugar!
Cutting back and eliminating as much sugar as possible can do you a load of good, especially in losing weight. Sugar is one of the most important substances to cut out of your diet to shed the pounds and get a lean, beautiful body-your best body ever. You'll not only feel great, but you'll look pretty great too.
Sugar comes from a variety of foods, like pasta, white bread, and of course what you already know: cookies, cupcakes, pies, all those delicious sweets that we hide in the back of the pantry. All of these foods cause a spike in your blood sugar, giving you a temporary burst of energy only to have you crash a short while later. These sugary foods are nothing more than empty calories, and they make you pack on the pounds like nothing else.
One word of caution for cutting back on sugar: don't go cold turkey. Trying to cut all sugar out of your diet at once can lead to fatigue, headaches, and mood swings-especially if you have a serious sweet tooth. Instead, gradually start to eliminate those sugary vices from your diet, allowing your body time to grow accustomed to the changes in your eating patterns.
Here are a few tips and tricks to help you go sugar free without the side effects to help you lose weight, look great and get the body you adore:
1. Eat breakfast. Having something to eat first thing in the morning can keep hunger in check, which helps ward off late-day sugar cravings. Try having a bowl of steel-cut oats or a hard-boiled egg and a rice cake. You'll kick start your metabolism too, which will also help with weight loss.
2. Add some protein into every meal. The body digests protein more slowly than fats and carbohydrates, keeping you fuller longer. Reach for lean meats and plant-based sources of protein. Avoid fatty foods, which set you up for nighttime cravings and will have you reaching for the chocolate in no time.
3. Drink more water. One of the best ways to keep any kind of food craving at bay is to stay hydrated. Research even shows that eating water-heavy foods (think melons and tomatoes) leads to a higher level of appetite satisfaction, which can also curtail cravings.
Still craving that sugary fix? Try sprinkling some cinnamon or drizzling some vanilla extract over a bowl of fruit. You'll get the sweetness you crave while staying away from refined sugar.
For more great tips on being healthier, happier and stress free download my free report "Your Ultimate Guide to Conquering Stress & Feeling Amazing" at
Attention Editors and Publishers: Her Health Only content may be republished with a link to Such republication must include attribution with a link to the Her Health Only homepage as follows: Her Health Only,

Looking to Slim Down? This One Trick Will Make a World of Difference

Are you struggling to slim down and shed those unwanted pounds? You can drop a dress size with this one little trick I want to share with you. It is something that a lot of people are addicted to, and you are most likely popping way too much of it in some form or another. So what is this mysterious ingredient that has seeped its way into our food and making you fat? Sugar!
Cutting back and eliminating as much sugar as possible can do you a load of good, especially in losing weight. Sugar is one of the most important substances to cut out of your diet to shed the pounds and get a lean, beautiful body-your best body ever. You'll not only feel great, but you'll look pretty great too.
Sugar comes from a variety of foods, like pasta, white bread, and of course what you already know: cookies, cupcakes, pies, all those delicious sweets that we hide in the back of the pantry. All of these foods cause a spike in your blood sugar, giving you a temporary burst of energy only to have you crash a short while later. These sugary foods are nothing more than empty calories, and they make you pack on the pounds like nothing else.
One word of caution for cutting back on sugar: don't go cold turkey. Trying to cut all sugar out of your diet at once can lead to fatigue, headaches, and mood swings-especially if you have a serious sweet tooth. Instead, gradually start to eliminate those sugary vices from your diet, allowing your body time to grow accustomed to the changes in your eating patterns.
Here are a few tips and tricks to help you go sugar free without the side effects to help you lose weight, look great and get the body you adore:
1. Eat breakfast. Having something to eat first thing in the morning can keep hunger in check, which helps ward off late-day sugar cravings. Try having a bowl of steel-cut oats or a hard-boiled egg and a rice cake. You'll kick start your metabolism too, which will also help with weight loss.
2. Add some protein into every meal. The body digests protein more slowly than fats and carbohydrates, keeping you fuller longer. Reach for lean meats and plant-based sources of protein. Avoid fatty foods, which set you up for nighttime cravings and will have you reaching for the chocolate in no time.
3. Drink more water. One of the best ways to keep any kind of food craving at bay is to stay hydrated. Research even shows that eating water-heavy foods (think melons and tomatoes) leads to a higher level of appetite satisfaction, which can also curtail cravings.
Still craving that sugary fix? Try sprinkling some cinnamon or drizzling some vanilla extract over a bowl of fruit. You'll get the sweetness you crave while staying away from refined sugar.
For more great tips on being healthier, happier and stress free download my free report "Your Ultimate Guide to Conquering Stress & Feeling Amazing" at
Attention Editors and Publishers: Her Health Only content may be republished with a link to Such republication must include attribution with a link to the Her Health Only homepage as follows: Her Health Only,

Sugars That May Help You Reduce Belly Fat

People who are on weight loss programs are often told to stay away from foods containing sugar; especially foods like cakes, donuts, sugary drinks, chocolates and candy. But as you know, somewhere entangled in our evolutionary history we have developed an intense affinity for all things sweet. Unfortunately, unlike our predecessors who spent most of the day in physical pursuits, modern man spends almost the entire day sitting and lounging. This preponderance of inactivity allows little or no time for the body to burn up the great amount of sugar we consume on a daily basis. As a result, excess sugar in the body quickly turns into fat and stimulates the development of common ailments like hypertension, diabetes and of course obesity.
Sugar is the fertilizer for obesity. Belly fat in particular thrives on the availability of sugar and given the way we eat and drink today no wonder our waistlines are continually expanding. But are there any sugars we can eat without the fear of weight gain or even more importantly adding ghastly inches to our waistlines? Believe it or not there are; in fact theses sugars may even help you lose weight and reduce your waistline. I have listed a few of them below:
  • Stevia is a natural sweetener made from the leaves of plants native to South America. Unlike refined sugar, stevia does not elevate blood sugar levels. Many studies have shown that when stevia is added to a healthy diet it may actually help the process of weight loss.

  • Fructose is sometimes confused with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Unlike HFCS which is highly processed, fructose occurs naturally in fruits like oranges, apples, pears, etc. It is safe when eaten in moderation and does not spark weight gain.

  • Raw honey is produced naturally by honey bees. It has long been used as a sweetener and for medicinal purposes plus it is packed with antioxidants. When consumed in moderation its impact on total weight or weight gain is minuscule.

  • Dark chocolate is a product of the cocoa plant. Because it is the purest form of chocolate with only a small amount of additives, the negative health impacts usually associated with other types of chocolate do not obtain. Moreover, its overall health benefits are well documented.
Given what we know about sugar in terms of its deleterious effects on health and the role it plays in perpetuating obesity, it is rather counter-intuitive to say that some sugars may actually help you manage your weight. But studies have shown that when natural sugars like stevia are used weight gain may be reduced and associated problems like belly fat can be effectively eliminated.
I have expanded my discussion of this and other strategies in treating common ailments like hypertension at my website Please join me there and leave a comment.


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