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MOTHERS DAY - Mother's Day Thoughts of Being a Mom

They say that a mother's job is the toughest job in the world but somehow (being a Mom, myself) I find it a position that I gratefully accept. Sure I have a business job that keeps me busy but I'm always on-call for those moments when one of my kids needs me.

 I've had many phone calls over the years from frantic babysitters, teachers and mostly from my kids themselves and once I've assessed the need, I usually drop everything and "go". 

No matter how long it takes, no matter what I leave behind, I know that love, comfort and having Mom there for the important crisis moments in my kid's lives is exactly where I should be. Now for all of this I must add that there is no overtime hourly pay. There isn't any monetary compensation for my lost business in my self-employed field. I generally work every holiday cooking for nine or more and I can't remember a Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving Day off in years.

Happy Mothers Day to ALL the MOTHERS out there whether you are a Past , Present or Soon to be Moms. May your day be filled with love, joy and laughter .
Lovely #Mothers_day
I would like to wish all Mothers around the world a very happy, blessed, loving Mother's Day .
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