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Weight Loss Tipes For You

We live in a nation of growing obesity. Statistics indicate that obesity has doubled since 1980. A 2008 report showed that 1.5 billion adults were clinically obese and over 45 million children were obese. There are complications connected to being obese. 

Approximately 3 million people die yearly from disease brought on or made worse from obesity. These diseases include diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Practice Prevention: There are many things you can do to control your weight and prevent obesity. It is fundamentally a shift in how you think. 

You must realize that you have a great deal of power over your own health. Consider the fact that you in part, can control how you age and how you can maintain good health throughout your lifetime. Of course disease can occur to any of us.
 However you can greatly reduce your risks with a healthy lifestyle.
Physical Activity: Exercise is a very important part of any healthy lifestyle. Exercise will strengthen your body and you will begin to build muscle. Your metabolism will increase because muscle has a higher metabolic rate than fat. So add some strength training routines to your exercise program. You can incorporate 2-3 strength training routines weekly. Only 15-20 sessions can have a huge impact on your physical strength and health. You will begin burning fat and therefore lose weight.
Good Fats versus Bad Fats: There are healthy fats to add to your diet. These include omega fatty acids such as those found in fresh fish. 

Salmon is has one of the highest levels of good omega fatty acids. 2-3 servings weekly could be very healthy and helpful to your weight loss.
 Research has shown that monounsatured fats are very effective for weight loss. A good food to add to your diet is avocados. Although not the lowest in calories, avocadoes are extremely nutritious and high in monosaturated fats. Try adding some avocado to a salad or make a guacamole dip to eat with veggie sticks such as celery and carrots.

 Other healthy food choices for good fats include grass fed beef and extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil has numerous health benefits. It has been shown to increase the fat burning response in the body as well as lower inflammation levels.
Sugar: Sugar is something you definitely want to eliminate from your diet, particularly if you are trying to lose weight. When you consume too much sugar, this signals your body to use insulin to begin burning it off. 

As a result, your insulin will spike. Whatever isn't used will be converted by your body into fat. Try to limit your sugar intake to no more than 10 percent of your daily calorie intake. So for example if you consume 1500 calories daily, sugar should comprise only 150 of those calories.

 Always be on the lookout for hidden sources of sugar such as those found in soda and juices.
A Healthy Breakfast: When you are sleeping your metabolism goes into more of a resting state. This is referred to as "catabolism". In order to turn it on as efficiently as possible, you need to eat a good breakfast. 

Having a protein with breakfast is helpful along with whole grains. A good breakfast choice might be a veggie omelet with whole wheat bread. Or some oatmeal topped with fresh fruit and a protein bar. And remember to start the day with drinking some fresh pure water to hydrate your body.

Eating Styles: Eating smaller "mini meals" is a very effective way to help you lose weight. Eating your meals at consistent times is helpful. Eating every three hours during the day is a good way to keep your body consistently fueled with energy. This will also keep you from overeating. Many people overeat because they starve themselves all day and then they binge on a huge dinner. 

The whole key to keeping weight off is to keep your metabolic rate as high as you can. Skipping meals actually lowers your metabolism.
Reward System: Everyone once in a while you really need to just reward yourself. If you are too regimented in your eating habits and never allow yourself a little indulgence now and then, one of two things will happen. Either you will end up binging or you will quit and begin to go back to your old habits. It is well known that when you are too restrictive in your diet you will usually binge within a month and potentially gain even more weight.
Supportive Relationships: Being with like minded people who take care of themselves will really help you. If you are with peers who are overweight and have no motivation to get in shape you will probably do the same. 

We tend to mirror those we associate with. So if this is your situation, why not look to broaden your horizons and meet new and interesting people. You could join a gym, or a local meet up group that does walking, hiking, swimming, dance, etc. This will change your outlook on yourself. Before you know it, you will incorporate new and healthy habits into your own life and be on your way to successful weight loss.

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How to Lose Weight and Have Your Food Too!

Sometimes it all gets too much for us. We look in the mirror and realise it is just not going to happen as we consider ourselves too fat to start on what we call an everyday diet. We love our food and hate exercise. What are the alternatives?
Diet Pills
There are many diet pills on the market today, all claiming to be the best and get quick results. Before reading their claims of losing 50 lbs.

 in a month, take note of the name of the diet pill and then Google it to find a forum where other overweight people have tried it and their thoughts and results. These people are passing on their knowledge to you and will not gain financially from their review. 

If the majority say it is working for them, ask them whether they are just taking the diet pill, or have reduced their food intake and started exercising as well. You need to know these facts before proceeding. 

You would be wise to ask if anyone has had any side effects or allergies from taking the pills. If you are obese, you need to gather all these facts and then visit your doctor and show him your results, as he will know whether these pills may conflict with diabetes or blood pressure medications you may be taking.
This is a common procedure for many obese people. You will need to get a Doctor's referral to a specialist to enable you to have this operation. They will counsel you to make sure you have tried other dietary methods first and whether you will be suitable for this operation. This usually results in a big weight loss.
Gastric Banding
Another operation to consider only if you have tried unsuccessfully with other diets as it is the most drastic of suggestions here. This also requires a specialist to see if you qualify for this operation and to explain what will happen after the operation. This operation reduces the size of your stomach by sectioning off part of it so you will no longer be able to have large meals. For a small time you will only be able to take liquid meals while your stomach adjusts. Consequently a large weight loss will be the result. This option requires a lot of thought.
Diet meals
A much kinder approach to weight loss and very easy, is to have a diet company deliver your meals to you. These meals add up to a specific daily calorie intake.

 The meals are all nutritionally prepared and labelled for you to enjoy. There is a great variety of choice of meals and plenty to eat. The reviews about this have been very positive and of course no surgery required.
These are some ways to help you on your way to the new slim you. Don't give up as you will find a solution.
This subject is close to my heart as I have been trying different diets for years. I am now well on my way to a healthy lifestyle change and am happy to share my ideas and tips. Please visit for more motivational ideas and tips.



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