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Dolphin Training - The best For The dolphin TRAINERS ~~

A few years ago, the University of Hawaii at Skewbald Basin Marine Mammal Laboratory, who worked with four dolphins. It was an experiment to teach your acoustic and forms of basic sign language. Ellie and Hippo was a male and female couple about four years. Phoenix Haleakala were two women and two years old. We had an instant connection, telepathy dolphin training. His eyes piercing me like no human has ever had. It was a spiritual connection and deep brain connection almost canceled the land dolphin training. I even asked at the time, maybe this is what God feels?

They were tutored in the basic vocabulary of named objects, actions required and basic sentences. Studies have shown that dolphins have the ability to understand the semantic and syntactic structure of words and phrases dolphin training. These four could follow instructions. Instructions were given either a person living giving basic sign, or by images of the signatories on the video screens were viewed by dolphins underwater through the windows.

Ellie Hippo and trained with basic auditory and visual cues dolphin training. A dolphin keyboard was developed that allowed the dolphins to interact with their trainers and managers by pressing one or more of a number of more symbols lighting for data requests or answers to the instructor.

Phoenix, has already been achieved in the understanding of acoustic artificial language was used in a test to see if the dolphin could vocally repeating a noise he heard dolphin training. Each segment was either a linear sweep tone or tone of constant frequency dolphin training. The goal was to have a model Phoenix Broadcasting Listen secondary deposits so you can produce a vocal imitation of the sound dolphin training. It was very successful to match the duration of the model and a moderate frequency and its corresponding contour success.

Melody Perception was also part of the daily workout routine dolphin training. Dolphins can recognize the music melodic contours, even after the song has been changed or broken in a number of ways. These tests revealed that the hearing of dolphins exceeded those of most species dolphin training.

Phoenix Haleakala could follow only action point and can take concrete steps to a person or object on the right, left, or an object or person behind them dolphin training. Phoenix chose the correct object indicates approximately 33% Haleakala made his task much better to choose the correct target of 64%.

I was interested in the response of dolphins is the creative life force with the wind and water dolphin training. Its belly out of silence and created all things. Haleakala taught me to create inner sounds so that we can create external events because the sound needs to breathe and water . It is the sacred element information we can give you the form of an event if we know how to combine breath and sound. This dolphin has also taught me that I had to change lanes, change my breathing habits,  dolphin training and change my sound. I really enjoyed working with these four souls dolphins . In retrospect, perhaps taught me more than I could have ever taught.

Http :/ / visit my website for more information on how to register for my teleprinters, conferences and workshops dolphin training. Be part of the test and receive a free 10 min. consultation with me dolphin training. Hear me speak at Radio Spiritually Raw in several important issues and listen to my interview.

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Ditulis Oleh : Unknown // 14:04

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